Use this fun countdown to show the one you love the most how grateful you are for them every single day. Get in the spirit of the season with a gratitude challenge.

Somehow November flows into December and all the craziness of the holidays can make you easily push aside the most important person in your life. Don’t let your passion for the perfect holiday season cause you to forget about your husband and how much you love and are grateful for him!  

We have made it easy for you to show your spouse how grateful you are Every. Single. Day. Leading up to Thanksgiving. That’s 27 wonderful days!! Kristin with CdotLove created these gorgeous printables exclusively for us! She is such a great designer and I always love the designs she creates- some she even does by hand!! That is talent!!  This printable is so great because each and every day leading up to Thanksgiving there is a task or idea for you to do to show your spouse how amazing they are. {Remember the post I did on 10 Reasons Why You Should Spoil Your Spouse, well this is a perfect way to spoil them!!} We did all the work collecting ideas for you, all you have to do is, well, do it! Diva Candice is so awesome and linked up each one of these ideas for you.  Just click on the PDF and it will give you more details and take you to any printable cards or notes you will use. Sweet!

Using the same gorgeous theme, you can also print up this Gratitude printable to display in your home. I framed mine and put it up on the mantle.  My husband and I have been using a Dry Erase Marker on it to write on it different things we are thankful for.  You can write reasons why you are thankful for your husband, or thankful for your wife, or anything you are are grateful during the Thanksgiving season. I love easy and meaningful decorative pieces like this:) Plus it is always fun to see what my husband is really thankful for {wink!}

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