Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. With this many ideas, you’re sure to find one that’s right for you and your sweetie! To help make your exploration even easier, we’ve broken the hobby ideas and couple activities up into 3 categories: But before we dive into the fun, let’s take a moment to explore why this type of togetherness is crucial to every marriage!

Hobbies for Couples: Quality over Quantity

We’ve all heard the adage quality over quantity and it certainly applies here! While the amount of time you and your spouse spend together is important, the quality of that time is even more critical. For example, you may spend hours together each evening watching TV (which is totally okay now and again!), but if that’s essentially the only thing you’re doing, your relationship could suffer. Why? It’s simply because this type of passive entertainment allows for very little interaction and communication, both of which are necessary for a thriving marriage. In addition, research has shown that new experiences are paramount for growth and happiness in a relationship. Trying new activities, whether they be indoor, outdoor, pricey, or free is the PERFECT way to do just that. So here’s the question, are you ready to turn your marriage on its head? Let’s take a look at the ideas!

Why Couple Activities Are Important

Now take a moment to ask yourself the following questions: How much time do my partner and I spend together? What do we typically do during that time? Do I wish we spent more time together? How would our marriage look if we were able to do that? We’re willing to bet we know the answers to most of those questions because they’re probably the same as ours! The fact of the matter is that we ALL want more time with our sweetheart. But in today’s fast-paced society, it can be hard to come by. We’re all doing so much that it can be tough to find the energy to focus on our relationship, especially when we’re stressed or overworked.  Indeed, findings have shown that our own stress levels play a huge role in our positive feelings toward our spouse. Ironically, it’s during times such as these that we need the support of our sweetheart the most! Participating in fun and novel activities are an amazing way to achieve this while also injecting the monotony of life with much-needed joy. The results speak for themselves but take a look at the following outcomes of such one-on-one time.

Strengthens Your Relationship – Findings have shown that couple activities, specifically in the form of dates, will help you take each other for granted less. This is especially true as you work to find activities you BOTH enjoy. Helps You Be a Better Parent – When you’re happy with your partner, your children will definitely sense that. Plus, you will be better able to model what a healthy, positive relationship looks like. Lowers Stress Levels – When it comes to the health effects of regular hobbies, the results are pretty astounding. Studies have found they result in lower levels of fatigue, depression, and cortisol, just to name a few! Makes You More Well-Rounded – One of the best ways to become a more well-rounded individual is by partnering with another who shares the same interests, strengths, and who will work with you to overcome weaknesses. Who better to do that than your spouse? And what better way to do it than with an exciting new hobby?! Reignites the Spark – Remember when everything your partner did was awe-inspiring? Get that feeling back by exploring new ideas and interests together.

Indoor Things for Couples to Do

Is your home your happy place? Perhaps you like being out and about but prefer a roof over your head? These ideas might be for you!

1 . Board Games – Bust out those favorites like Battleship or Monopoly, or try something totally new! 2 . Video Games – Is your hubby or wife a gamer? Join them! You’ll be surprised at how fun it is to game together. 3 . Bowling – Give your marriage the highest score possible with this classic activity. 4 . Fitness Classes – Check out the fitness classes at your local rec center or try a few at-home workouts. 5 . Musical Instruments – Pick up your old instruments and start a two-man band! Or learn how to play a new one together. 6 . Online Courses – They say knowledge is power and they aren’t lying. Try completing a course that interests the two of you. 7 . Learn a Language – Learning a language is easier than ever, thanks to technology. 8 . Ballroom Dancing – Spin, dip and dive with a few snazzy moves. 9 . Carpentry – Learn the fine art of carpentry and build something for your home. 10 . Art – Whether it’s painting, sculpting, or drawing, the opportunities for artistic togetherness are endless. 11 . Cooking – Try having a cook-off and see which one of you is the winner! Or take one night a week to prepare dinner together.

Outdoor Activities for Couples

Calling all nature lovers! These outdoor based couple activities are the PERFECT way to spend a little fun in the sun. Even those who are less than thrilled about the great outdoors are sure to find something they love!

12 . Rock Climbing – Scale to new heights! Just be sure to bring an experienced climber along to make sure everyone stays safe. 13 . Running – Pound the pavement in time to your sweetie and crank up those endorphins. 14 . Traveling – Put those new-found language skills to good use by planning a trip! 15 . Paintball – Ready, aim, fire! The two of you will be hooked on this tried and true outdoor classic. 16 . Hiking/Camping – Spend a night together in the great outdoors or go on a hiking date!  17 . Gardening – Get in touch with your inner gardener and try your hand at producing your own fruits and vegetables. 18 . Nature Photography – Grab a camera and head out during the early evening or sunset for some fabulous shots. 19 . Community Events – See what’s happening around your town and explore the events together! Or grab a few friends and make it a group date packed with couple activities! 20 . Stargazing – Grab a blanket and some cocoa for a truly romantic evening.  21 . Sports League – Join a local sports team together and make a few new friends while you’re at it.

Inexpensive Things for Couples to Do

Is the budget looking a little tight? No worries! These inexpensive yet fun couple activities will help you bond without breaking the bank.

22 . Card Games – Use an old deck you have lying around, or pick one up for a few bucks, and you’ve got HOURS of couple activities ahead of you. 23 . Meditation – Lower your stress levels by making this a daily practice. 24 . Origami – Learn the Japanese art of paper folding together! Then teach it to your kids or friends. 25 . Reading – Hit up your local library for some free reading material. Start your own two-person book club! 26 . Jigsaw Puzzles – With so many great options to choose from, you’ll love putting these puzzles together- TOGETHER! 27 . Documentaries – Turn TV night on its head by watching a fascinating documentary together. Try this date night for even more documentary fun!  28 . Volunteering – Nothing is as rewarding as giving back and it’ll only cost you your time. 29 . Crossword Puzzles – Make it a habit to do a daily/weekly crossword puzzle together and stretch those brains! 30 . Blog – Start a blog and document your love, your life, and your newfound couple activities. 31 . Thrifting – Go treasure hunting! See who can score the biggest deals with this fun date. 32 . People Watching – It’s totally free and totally fun! Are those great or what?! For even more great couple activities, be sure and take a look at our list of 101 Activities for a Healthy Relationship and our Fun Things for Couples to Do at Home!

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