Presumably it’s because we really don’t like ourselves too much. Once the cycle of self-dislike gets started, then it takes a huge amount of determination and effort to make changes. And the mind is a perfect servant, as it will do whatever it’s told, but it’s a terrible master as it fails to help us help ourselves. Which can be even harder when our mind is like a deranged monkey, leaping from one thought or drama to the next, never allowing us time to be quiet, peaceful and still. But meditation can save our life! This may sound farfetched, but meditation is a direct way to cut through the chaotic monkey mind constantly making excuses and supporting our neurosis. It’s that fundamental. Yet so many people pay it so little attention. Drinking alcohol can kill and meditation can save, yet there are far more people who drink. Seven Ways Meditation Can Save Your Life Meditation enables us to see clearly, to witness our thoughts and behavior and reduce our self-involvement. Without such a practice of self-reflection there is no way of putting a brake on the ego’s demands. Stepping out of the conceptual mind, however, does not mean stepping into nowhere or nothing; it does not mean that there is no connection to a worldly reality. Rather, it is stepping into sanity and, more importantly, into even greater connectedness. Then we have no more need to do ourselves harm! Ed and Deb Shapiro are featured bloggers at and their award-winning book:BE THE CHANGE, How Meditation Can Transform You and the World, with forewords by the Dalai Lama and Robert Thurman, with contributors Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jane Fonda, Ram Dass, Byron Katie, and many others. They also have 3 meditation CD’s: Metta—Loving kindness and Forgiveness; Samadhi–Breath Awareness and Insight; and Yoga Nidra–Inner Conscious Relaxation; which are available