My husband loves India cuisine, so in planning this date I really wanted to make it a night all about India. Since I love to do things on a grand scale, I included 3 other couples and conveniently they all love India cuisine as well. You can do this as a couple or a group date. The plus side to doing it as a group is you’ll have a wider variety of food and it will help cut the cost all around.

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India decor is all about bright colors and different textures. Vanessa and I basically found things from around our homes to decorate with. I already had a long portable table (you could use a card table or just a blanket on the floor if you don’t have one) and we propped it up on paint cans that I had in my garage. Then we covered it with a table cloth and a cream runner. Vanessa had a beautiful candle holder that we set in the middle so that we could have the lights down low (romantic!). She brought plates that were all different colors and we each had brightly colored pillows from our couches to sit on. *This is where having a group date comes in handy. We basically gathered up what we could use from our homes to create the India themed decor. That way it saves on money and creates a fun atmosphere.

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