Harris currently works as a co-anchor for ABC’s “Nightline” and is a “Good Morning America” weekend correspondent. When he had an on-air panic attack in 2004, it prompted him to visit a psychiatrist and find a way to cope with his “well-hidden and well-managed” drug use and depression—both of which had developed after he returned from covering the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, and Palestine. Harris explained to Colbert how meditation is akin to a “bicep curl for your brain” and helped him change some automatic, negative behaviors: It’s a very simple brain exercise, and the superpower is that it gives you a different relationship to the voice in your head…your inner anchorman is yammering at you all day long having you compare yourself to other people, judging, wanting, not wanting, casting yourself forward into an idealized future or remembering the past and not focusing on what’s happening right now. Watch the full interview.