Five Facts About Dandruff

1. Dandruff is caused by a number of factors.

The top three reasons dandruff is caused: a. The presence of a micro-organism called Malassezia, which is a genus of fungi found on the skin surfaces of many humans. b. Sebum. Sebum is an oil your follicles secrete, and excess sebum can actually lead to dandruff because the Malassezia are attracted to oil. Excess sebum can also lead to sebborheic dermatitis, which causes pesky flakes. c. Some people’s scalp skin are just more susceptible to flaking. We know, it sucks.

2. Approximately HALF of the world’s adult population is affected by dandruff.

So you should never feel alone! So many people get dandruff, and there are ways to manage it.

3. Humans are not alone in suffering from dandruff.

Did you know that animals such as cats and dogs can have dandruff, too?

4. Dandruff contains your DNA.

So, it’s technically possible to tell who you are from a flake of dandruff. How cool is that?

5. Your scalp has more sebaceous glands than anywhere else on the body.

Since your scalp has the most sebaceous glands, you have to manage your production of sebum to manage and prevent dandruff. Cleansing with an anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner duo is key. These hair care products are specifically formulated to help create a healthy balance of oil on your scalp to prevent flaking. One of our favorite duos for your scalp is  Dove Dermacare Scalp Invigorating Mint Anti-Dandruff 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner. This duo nourishes and soothes the scalp to tackle dandruff to help prevent flakes. It’s super gentle, so it can be used every day and it leaves your strands smooth and manageable.  

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