“We play hide-and seek as a family each night. It gives us a time to laugh and connect.”- @VTCONDON “They’re important to measure time.”- @JARVEVA “They help me stay on track with self-care, so I can better support myself and others.”- @JOANNAZAKANY “They provide a sense of calm in the storm.”- @MASLOW40 “My rituals—I have a coffee, go for a run, read my kids stories—give me a sense of flow in the day.”- @SAWHITE1987 “They’re definitely useful for reconnecting with ourselves.”- @MINNIE_BLUELOVER “They help me stay on track, continue to improve myself, and get my goals completed.”- @HEYEIAN “They help me to be still in tune with everyday life.”- @MAYASQUILLA

What are some rituals you engage in regularly?

“Smelling coffee brewing. Walking the dog. Sitting in meditation.”“Deep breathing, counting my blessings, and chatting with my kids.”“Sharing daily appreciations with my husband every night before we go to sleep.”“Daily meditation and sweat with any type of exercise.”“Sewing gifts for friends and family.”“Starting the day with a warm water and ginger drink.”“Stretching in the early morning, then writing my to-do list.”“Family dinner most nights, my healing group, and exercise.”

Do you most often do rituals with others, or by yourself?

With others: 5%By myself: 62%It depends: 33%

What ritual connects you to your inner power?

“Deep breathing and listening to a guided meditation. And, of course, reading Mindful!” Anthony, Kingston, ON “While getting dressed, I read three affirmation books. I’ve been rereading one of the books for over 20 years! Each daily reading gives me something different each time.” Patricia, Bronx, NY “I go for a walk on the forest trails and stop every so often to do part of a sun salutation. Inhaling and feeling grateful, exhaling feeling grounded and connected.” Elaine, Denbigh, ON “I try to listen and empathize with people I interact with on a daily basis. It helps me in realizing there is so much joy, laughter, pain, and other emotions people are dealing with from day to day, yet keeping their smile on.” Shaifali, Stamford, CT

Does your favorite ritual energize you, or help you find calm?

Energize: 20%Calm: 80%

Next issue: What always awakens your feelings of gratitude?

Send an email to [email protected] and let us know your answer to this question. Your response could appear on these pages.