This last month I’ve got to play with an AMAZING little app called Pair. Before I go any further, I have to tell you the best part… it’s FREE!! Yay for free! I absolutely LOVE free apps, but this one takes the cake! It is an app especially made for couples. If you have an iPhone, you can find Pair HERE! Android users, click HERE! So here’s the scoop on Pair: When you first sign up, Pair gives you the option for each of you to take a picture, or choose one from your existing gallery.

You then can invite your spouse or significant other to join you on Pair. Once they accept, you get a little notification that you have been Paired! You can write to each other through Pair and the app saves what you write creating your own little private timeline.

We had TONS of fun with this because, unlike Facebook’s timeline, you can send ANYTHING you want to each other and no one else will see! We may or may-not have exchanged a naughty picture or two, he-he-he! This is something we can’t even do with texting because we have little ones that grab our phone to play games or look at pictures. But you can make Pair PASSWORD PROTECTED so that the kids won’t have any access, even accidentally! 🙂

Another thing I LOVE about having this app on my phone is that you can create a list of ‘shared tasks.’ This could be ANYTHING you want, but it worked fabulously for me as a grocery list. I can type what we need, and my husband can open shared tasks on his end of Pair and see the list to get on his way home. He can cross of the items he picks up, so you will know if there is anything he couldn’t find that you need to grab the next day.

There are so many fun things to do with this app. Here are a few more:

The picture on  the far left is a location feature. For me, being the ditz that I am, found this so helpful!! I am CONSTANTLY getting lost and calling my husband asking him how to get to where I am supposed to be going {…or, when we first moved, how to get HOME! Yikes, embarrassing!}. His first question is always, “Well, where are you?” and FYI –  “um, I see a really big billboard and a hill on my left side… ” is NOT a helpful answer to that question! But with this app, you can send him YOUR EXACT LOCATION, which makes giving directions OH- so much easier! The middle is a shared sketch feature… if you and your hubby like to doodle, you can do it together! No matter where you are, you can draw little pictures for each other or draw at the same time! The feature on the right is a THUMBKISS. Yeah, that’s right. A kiss with your thumb. It was sweet! If you’re thinking of and missing your guy, you can go into the “thumbkiss” feature on Pair. His phone will let him know you are waiting. The screen is white and shows a picture of a thumbprint when you touch it. And then, da-da-da-DA! When he joins you for this kiss, you will see two thumbprints on the white screen. As the thumbprints move towards each other, the screen gets more and more pink until finally, you are both touching the same spot on the screen. The screen then turns RED and vibrates and there you have it: The thumbkiss has been done. I thought it was kind of silly when my husband and I were both home trying it out, but when he went to work the next day, we tried it again and I was like, ‘Aw! We kissed! {warm fuzzy feeling}’ …And yes, I CAN thumbkiss and take a screenshot at the same time, thank you very much!

So go check it out! Pair is such a fun way for couples to connect. And with a price tag of FREE, you’ve got nothing to lose 🙂 Here are the links again so you can download Pair for your phone: Pair for iPhone HERE! Android users – find Pair HERE! Have fun! Get creative with this app and stay connected to your spouse throughout the day. Let us know how you like it on our Facebook page!

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