Incorporating the well-known wedding day rhyme, “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue,” this date is the perfect way to celebrate your lifelong commitment to that special someone! The INVITATION: Almost every fabulous celebration is introduced by an invitation and this occasion is no exception! Set the date and add the necessary details (including any information your sweetie may need in preparation for the date, such as a dress code if you intend to keep the particulars of this event to yourself!). Then, post the invitation in a place your man (or lady!) will be sure to see – or for a LOVE-ly surprise, mail it! Be sure you put a blank “Something Blue” card with the invitation so they can write their love note to you before the date!

SOMETHING OLD Card: One of the beautiful things about love is the experience of shared memories. Our days are made up of hundreds of moments that will either be forgotten or stored in our memory banks. How special is it when we look back over those moments and realize so many of them were experienced together?! On this first card, you will write down one of those treasured memories, as well as an idea for how to celebrate the past in the present during your date!

SOMETHING NEW Card: Do the two of you have a list of things you want to do or try “someday”, but just never seem to get around to it? Perhaps you’ve noticed he keeps talking about a new attraction in town. Or maybe you have some completely random, unexpected idea that you’re sure will be a hit! Regardless of what you choose, write it down on this card. (It is generally a good idea to do as much prep work as possible before the date. If you need to buy tickets or check availability, do that as soon as you make your plan! Of course, if things go awry, adjusting your plan on the spot suddenly becomes the new experience for you to share together – it’s a win-win either way! Check out the bottom of this post for some suggestions on how to present all the cards!

SOMETHING BORROWED Card: Here is your opportunity to glean some wisdom from those who have traveled the road before you! Here’s how this works: ask as many people as you choose (friends, family, co-workers, people at social gatherings, people you randomly meet!) to offer their written advice on what it takes to cultivate a lifetime of love. I suggest you have an envelope to keep them in so you aren’t tempted to peek – you will read each of the cards together during your date!

SOMETHING BLUE Card: After you’ve thought back through all those memories you share, imagined a new memory to create together, and accumulated a wealth of wisdom from others, write a note expounding on just a few of the reasons you are so glad he/she is The One you will share this and every other experience in life with! At whatever moment you choose, exchange your love notes with each other during your date. Let the googly-eyes commence…

Suggestions as you plan:

Explain the details of the evening at the beginning of your date by providing all the cards at once or spread out the suspense by offering a new card at each new juncture.

With a little planning (and perhaps the occasional assistance from an usher, waiter, or friend), you can have each card “arrive” or be “found” at just the right time (i.e. if dinner at your favorite restaurant is your “Something OLD”, have the waiter bring out the “Something NEW” card with dessert to explain the next portion of the evening, or have the first card and necessary supplies waiting in her seat when you escort her to the car at the beginning of the date, etc.).

Plan together! One of you can plan the “Something OLD” element of the date, the other can plan “Something NEW”, then combine them for one fabulous event (or multiple spread out occasions – imagine an entire weekend dedicated to celebrating your love)!!

Add a small gift or clue to the card that suggests what is to come (i.e. a CD of your favorite band as a couple when you first met, that will also serve as the sound track for the evening and your “Something OLD”; tickets to an event/show/activity to go with your “Something NEW” card, etc.).

The beautiful thing about this date is that it is a celebration of love – and not just any love, it’s a celebration of the love that binds the two of you together. So go be in love and CELEBRATE! Feel free to use the lovely printable below as your guide. {I just have to give a shout-out to a Diva you already know and love, BECCA, for lending her superb skills to the design of this printable! How awesome is she?!}  

Something Old  New  Borrowed  and Blue  - 33Something Old  New  Borrowed  and Blue  - 48Something Old  New  Borrowed  and Blue  - 17Something Old  New  Borrowed  and Blue  - 44Something Old  New  Borrowed  and Blue  - 28Something Old  New  Borrowed  and Blue  - 39Something Old  New  Borrowed  and Blue  - 81