Recreate the thrill of adventure and romance by exploring all the touristy locations in your home town. A SUPER fun & easy date night!! Today is our lucky day!!!  We have a cute guest blogger giving us a few tips on how to recreate that romantic spark by breaking out of your bubble and becoming a little adventurous while exploring your own home town. Before getting to her creative tips let’s get to know her a bit… Cara Woodford is a busy woman: when she’s not working towards her Master’s degree in Urban Development, she loves to play soccer, garden and bake devilishly delicious goodies. She has been married to her best friend, Michael since 2010 and thanks God every day that he is a part of her life. 

  •           *           *           *           *           *           *           *   Remember the first time you and your husband took a long weekend together? Or, better yet, remember your honeymoon? There wasn’t any household chores or bills to worry about; it was just the two of you were wrapped together in a cocoon of romance, intimacy and adventure. Why not recreate those feelings by setting aside a day to play tourist in your own local? My husband first came up with the idea a year ago and, while it sounded great in theory, we ran across a few challenges. After all, I have lived in Philadelphia my entire life and he moved here six years ago; we felt that we knew every nook and cranny of our city, so how were we going to view through fresh eyes?  Well, with a little bit of thought and creativity, we’ve definitely overcome this and now we have “make-believe-tourist” dates at least once a month, and you can too! So I wish each and every one of you readers happy traveling (wink wink) and remember, there is no such thing as a bad idea!
  •           *           *           *           *           *           *           * I can’t tell you how much I love these tips by Cara and I can’t wait to explore my town a little more!

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